Die Stadtbibliothek bleibt am Schmotzigen Donnerstag, den 27.02.2025 geschlossen. Freitag und Samstag haben wir wie gewohnt geöffnet. Das Rückgabefenster bleibt über die Fasnachtstage geschlossen.

Frequently asked questions

Interesting facts from A-Z


Acquisition proposals

Acquisition requests can be submitted via the online catalog under media request or by e-mail, telephone or on site at the counter. Please let us know if you would like to be earmarked for a purchase (earmarking fee €1).


To borrow media from the city library, you need a valid library card. You can apply for this at the city library on presentation of your identity card or passport. Your library card is not transferable. Please report a change of address or the loss of your library card immediately to the city library or by e-mail.
Children from the age of six receive a library card. Until the age of 18, the presence of a parent/guardian or the signed registration card and an identity card of a parent/guardian is required for registration.
Borrowing books is free of charge for children up to the age of 18.
Holders of a valid Zell card can also borrow books free of charge.

Registration card for children: Children’s card
Information about the Zell Card: Zell Card flyer


Do you have any questions about using the city library? Are you looking for books and articles on a specific topic? Do you need information about buying a household appliance? Would you like a novel recommendation?

The staff of the city library are available to assist you throughout the opening hours.
The information desks on the first floor and on the 2nd floor are staffed.

Loan periods and loan quotas

You may borrow a total of 50 media at the same time (please bear in mind that in the event of a reminder, the fee is considerable).
Please note: the grace period is three days, after which reminder fees are due. Extend in good time.

Media type Loan period Quantity
Magazines (the current copy cannot be borrowed) 14 days 50
DVDs adults 14 days 50
Games 28 days 3
DVD Youth 28 days 10
Books 28 days 50
Travel Guide 28 days 3 from one travel area
Tonies 28 days 5

Media can be returned outside opening hours, from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., via the return machine.

Terms of use

User regulations valid from 01.01.2022
User regulations
Radolfzell City Library privacy policy

Customer information:
City Library customer information

Book gifts

The city library only accepts book gifts before the flea markets.
We will announce this in the press.

Data protection

Duden - Basic knowledge school

Pupils and parents can look up information on the move or from the comfort of their own homes.
The volumes in the “Duden – Basiswissen Schule” series for the subjects German, mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, English, history, politics, art and music can be accessed directly from the Internet.

Duden – Basiswissen Schule cover the most important school subjects at secondary levels I and II. The series was developed by teachers and adapted to the educational plans of all federal states across all school types. It is used for quick and targeted reference and repetition.

At www.munzinger.de , dictionaries & encyclopaedias, Duden Basiswissen Schule
Log in with Radolfzell, Stadtbibliothek, the user number and the password
(date of birth). You can then use the search function to search the tables of contents of all reference works.
Access is available to all readers of Radolfzell City Library with a valid library card, i.e. several people can access the database at the same time.

We recommend the databases for presentations, student work, GFS… .

E-book reader

Which e-book reader should I buy? Do I like the handling of an e-book reader or will I remain loyal to the printed book? You are traveling and would like to use an e-book reader once.

The city library lends out e-book readers for four weeks.

EC device

You can pay your fees from € 9.00 cashless at our EC machine / self check-out machine on the first floor.

Electronic catalog/ online catalog of the city library

The Radolfzell City Library catalog can be accessed either via a user terminal in the city library, mobile or from home as an online catalog (https://open.rz-kiru.de/radolfzell/).

It lists the holdings of the Radolfzell City Library and the local libraries. Users can use the various search options in the (online) catalog to determine

  • whether a specific title is available
  • which titles by an author or on a particular subject are in stock
  • whether a medium you are looking for is currently available or on loan
  • Pre-order a borrowed medium
  • Look through the city library’s list of new publications


Account information

  • check which media you currently have on loan
  • check when the loan period expires
  • extend the loan period, if possible

Energy saving package

The city library lends out an energy-saving package. The package contains an electricity meter that can be used to test the power consumption of domestic appliances.

The device can be borrowed for two weeks. Borrowing is free of charge.

A campaign by the Federal Environment Agency.

Fee schedule

A new pay scale will apply from 1.1.2023.

Fee schedule of the Radolfzell City Library

We will be happy to advise you on the various options.

Please note that you will receive a free library card with the Zeller Karte.
The conditions for the Zeller Karte can be found under Zeller Karte.

Reminder service

We offer you this service so that you do not forget the deadline for returning your borrowed media. Send us your e-mail address – we will remind you a few days before the loan period expires. Register at the information desk on the ground floor or 2nd floor.
For children, the parents’ e-mail address will be entered.

Flea market

Once or twice a year, a large book flea market is held at which the city library sells its discarded media and book gifts. A paradise for book collectors.
The date will be announced in the local press and on the website.

A small selection of flea market books is always sold during opening hours when the weather is fine.

Photocopier and printer (1st floor Knowledge Gallery)

You will find the photocopier and the printer on the 1st floor.
Printouts: € 0.20 per page

Unfortunately, color printouts or copies are not possible.

Guided tours

The city library offers introductions to the use of the city library for pre-school institutions, school classes, educational institutions, clubs and all citizens. During a tour of the library departments, the focus of the tour is individually tailored to the interests of the group, depending on age and previous knowledge. The focus of the content can be clarified in a preliminary discussion.

Preschool and school up to 7th grade Ms. Kreissner Tel. 07732/81-384
from 8th grade, adults Ms. Wucherer Tel. 07732/81-380

Brochure “Opportunities for life”


see fee schedule

You can also have the contribution fees debited via SEPA direct debit.
see SEPA direct debit procedure

History of the Austrian Palace

The Austrian Palace was probably originally planned as a city palace for Archduke Leopold V, Regent of Tyrol and the Austrian Forelands.
Planning and construction of the “New House at Court” began in 1619 – 1622. As the Thirty Years’ War meant that no interior work was carried out, the building was completed between 1706 and 1735. The Régence stucco ceilings can be seen on the 1st floor. After serving as the town hall for over 100 years, the building was renovated in 1842 for use as a school building. Until the late 20th century, the rooms were repeatedly used as classrooms.
At times, the local history museum, the district and town archives and, for almost 60 years, restaurants were housed in the basement.
In 1973, the town library moved into the 1st floor, in 1984 the extensions to the ground floor and 2nd floor.
2012 – 2014 the building was extensively renovated and extended for disabled access.
The top floor was gutted and offers a view of the historic roof truss and a wonderful view of Lake Zell.
The cultural monument of special significance can be experienced by all visitors during opening hours.

Interactive picture books

A market is currently developing for interactive picture books, i.e. books in which an app can be used to activate additional actions in the picture book.
The city library offers books on the latest trends under the heading “Spielwiese interaktiv” on the 2nd floor.
There are Ting books, Tiptoi books and games. Ting pens can also be borrowed

Children's and youth book week

Children’s and youth book week

Every year in November, numerous readings are held for the schools in Radolfzell.
Contact: Petra Wucherer Tel. 07732/81-380


Specialist books and academic literature that the City Library does not have in its collection can be obtained from academic libraries via the German interlibrary loan system.

The interlibrary loan service costs €4.00 per book

At present, only interlibrary loans for professional and educational purposes are ordered. We ask for your understanding.

Interlibrary loan request form

Reader's card

You can apply for a library card at the city library with a valid identity card or passport. Children and adolescents need the written consent of their parents. Residency in Radolfzell is not required for the reader’s pass.
Include registration form for children

Users are requested to report immediately to 07732/81-382 or bibliothek@radolfzell.de if they have lost their library card. The reader’s card will then be blocked. You can obtain a replacement ID card on presentation of a valid identity card or passport and a fee of EUR 3.00 at the information desk on the ground floor.

Reading lounge

In our beautiful reading lounge you have the most beautiful view over the town and Lake Zell and a large selection of magazines and newspapers.

Media stock

The Radolfzell City Library has a media stock of approx. 50,000 items. Around 6,000 new media are purchased every year to ensure that the collection remains attractive and up-to-date.

New residents in Radolfzell and its districts

Are you new to Radolfzell? As a new resident, you can test the library’s wide range of on-site and online services free of charge for the first six weeks.

You will receive a voucher for this when you register at the Citizens’ Office.

Onleihe Hegau-Bodensee - digital media for download

The Onleihe offers you the opportunity to download e-media from home to your PC, e-book reader, smartphone or tablet around the clock.


And best of all – there are no reminders for online media!

You can also download numerous newspapers and magazines from the Onleihe.
Onleihe Hegau-Bodensee

PC workstations

The city library offers four stationary PCs that are connected to a black and white printer. Documents can be saved on a private flash drive.

Printouts DIN A 4 black and white 0,20 €

PressReader - international magazine portal

With the support of the Werner and Erika Messmer Foundation, the City Library offers you access to the international online newspaper and magazine portal PressReader.

Pressreader is an online press portal with over 7000 newspapers and magazines from 120 countries in 60 languages in the original layout that you can use from home or on the move.

e.g. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Washington Post, Corriera della Serra, as well as a large selection of PC and technology magazines, Haus und Garten, the international Handelsblatt.

Every user can access the content simply by logging in with the user number and password of a valid library card.

To use the app, you must first call up PressReader via the library’s website in the browser and select the Radolfzell City Library in the “Register library or group” button and log in with the user number and password of your library card(PressReader quick guide)

PressReader App

For mobile devices with Android, Apple iOS and Blackberry operating systems, you can download the free PressReader app from the relevant stores.
The app allows you to download the entire publication (newspapers and magazines) and then read the content offline.

To use the app, you must first call up Pressreader via the library’s website in the browser and select the Radolfzell City Library in the “Register library or group” button and log in with your library card user number and password

You will then be prompted to create a personalized access or to log in with it. However, this request can be ignored and is not mandatory. Access is now activated for 30 days, after which you will need to register again.

Wheelchair user

We are pleased that the new city library is barrier-free and has a disabled toilet.

Return machine

Outside our opening hours, you can return your media from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. via the return machine. The media must be inserted individually and will be booked back immediately. You will receive a receipt.

Seniors and library

In the city library there are numerous guidebooks on the topics of ageing, old age and illness, staying fit in old age, power of attorney and inheritance law.

Large print books, audio books

Daisy audio books for the visually impaired, as well as a Daisy player

e-book reader, where you can individually enlarge the font size.

Access to the city library is disabled-friendly.

SEPA Direct Debit Scheme

You can now have the annual fee automatically debited from your current account by SEPA direct debit. This means that your library card is always valid. This is also practical for customers who mainly use the eLibrary.

SEPA direct debit form
Please fill in the form, save it, print it out, sign it and send it to the library by post or bring it to the library in person.
Alternatively, you can also scan the form and send it by email(bibliothek@radolfzell.de).
You can also obtain the form on site.
You can of course cancel the SEPA direct debit scheme at any time – this must be done in writing.

Tablets for use in the home

Library customers aged 18 and over can borrow tablets at the information desk on the ground floor, which they can use to surf the internet in the city library.
Deposit: valid library card

Technology LEIHbar

Digital devices have become an integral part of our everyday lives. With the LEIHbar technology, the city library wants to accompany and support people in their digital lives.

About the technology LEIHbar

Ting pens and Tiptoi pens

Ting and Tiptoi pens can be used to read voice-animated children’s books.
Books and games for both systems can be borrowed from the interactive play area.

Ting audio pens are also available to borrow and try out.


The Toniebox is easy to use even for small children.
You place the Tonie figure on the Toniebox and the listening fun begins.
A Tonie is a small book figure with an integrated chip on which an audio book is stored.

The city library lends Tonieboxes and Tonies.

Instructions on how to use Tonie

Extension of the loan period

Most types of media can be renewed three times.
Once a medium has been reserved, it can no longer be renewed.

Media can be renewed conveniently from home in the electronic catalog under “Reader account”

Please note that media can only be renewed within the loan period.
For renewals after the loan period has expired, please call the city library.

Reader account


WLAN is available throughout the city library via the provider Hotsplots. To use the library, you need a ticket (Information EG), for which you must show your identity card or reader’s card.

We store the following data for use: Surname, first name, library card number or identity card / passport number. The data will be deleted after six months.

Unfortunately, use of the WLAN is only possible for people aged 18 and over.
Children and young people can only use the WLAN if accompanied by their parents.
Use of the WLAN with your own devices is free of charge.

Newspapers and ePapers

The Südkurier, the Frankfurter Allgemeine and the weekly newspaper Die Zeit are available for on-site reading in the city library.
The daily newspapers are archived for one week, while Die Zeit is available for four weeks.

Daily newspapers cannot be borrowed.

Süddeutsche Zeitung and Die Zeit can be read in the ONLEIHE.

Magazines and eMagazines

The current magazine is intended for on-site reading. The older copies can be borrowed for 14 days.

The city library provides over 7,000 newspapers and magazines from a hundred countries in the PressReader magazine portal. Parallel use by many readers is possible in contrast to the Onleihe. PressReader

The following magazine subscriptions are available in the city library and in the Onleihe Hegau-Bodensee.
Magazine overview of the Radolfzell City Library