Am Freitag, 4. April schließt die Bibliothek wegen der Jubiläumsveranstaltung bereits um 17.00 Uhr. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis. Die Stadtbibliothek hat am Ostersamstag, 19.04.25 geschlossen. Das Rückgabefenster bleibt von Freitag, 18.04.25 bis Montag, 21.04.25 geschlossen.

Night of the Libraries

Radolfzell City Library Marketplace 8, Radolfzell on Lake Constance

On 04.04.2025 the Night of the Libraries will be celebrated in the city library from 19.00 hrs. The event celebrates […]

Baraka World Music Choir

Radolfzell City Library Marketplace 8, Radolfzell on Lake Constance

BARAKA World Music Choir Open your ears for a special choral experience: the BARAKA choir brings the most diverse sounds […]

Baraka World Music Choir

Radolfzell City Library Marketplace 8, Radolfzell on Lake Constance

BARAKA World Music Choir Open your ears for a special choral experience: the BARAKA choir brings the most diverse sounds […]

Baraka World Music Choir

Radolfzell City Library Marketplace 8, Radolfzell on Lake Constance

BARAKA World Music Choir Open your ears for a special choral experience: the BARAKA choir brings the most diverse sounds […]

Reading with René Sydow

Radolfzell City Library Marketplace 8, Radolfzell on Lake Constance

Reading show with René Sydow On 25.04.2025, René Sydow, previously better known as a cabaret artist, will be reading from […]

Reading with René Sydow

Radolfzell City Library Marketplace 8, Radolfzell on Lake Constance

Reading show with René Sydow On 25.04.2025, René Sydow, previously better known as a cabaret artist, will be reading from […]