Am Freitag, 4. April schließt die Bibliothek wegen der Jubiläumsveranstaltung bereits um 17.00 Uhr. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis. Die Stadtbibliothek hat am Ostersamstag, 19.04.25 geschlossen. Das Rückgabefenster bleibt von Freitag, 18.04.25 bis Montag, 21.04.25 geschlossen.

Children's library in the Austrian Palace

The children’s library in the Austrian Palace is a paradise for children. Our mascot Harry the Rabbit invites you to read aloud in the play area for small children.
Whether reading, playing games, listening to Tonies, relaxing, doing homework or researching for presentations.
The Spielwiese and 9plus departments invite and are open to everyone.
In the parents’ forum, parents can find parenting guides, craft instructions and cooking tips for children.

We are happy to put together an individual media box for groups/classes.
Simply send an e-mail to
with the following details:

Contact person:

Topic / Topics:
Age group:
Group size:
Only books (or CDs, DVDs, Tonies etc.):

Desired collection date: (for many topics we need a lead time of approx. 3 weeks)
Remarks / other notes:


There is a comprehensive range of events and services for daycare centers and schools.



“Reading aloud with the family is the best way to introduce children to books at an early age and to teach them the joy of reading.”
Philipp Lahm
Professional soccer player

With 2000 picture books, we make it easier for you to read aloud.
Children love to cuddle up while being read to and have quiet time with their parents, family or friends…
The city library accompanies children through the world of media. We select our media specifically and give age recommendations for films.
You will find a real treasure in the city library, but also in our download portal Onleihe Hegau-Bodensee for the pocket format.

The 9plus department offers exciting, interesting, fantastic books, audio books, films and board games.

Please accompany your child to registration and bring a valid identity card.
Children up to the age of 18 receive a free library card.

Image: Radolfzell town council

Day care centers

Link to the pdf “Opportunities for life”
With our media and services, we want to support you in your work in early education, reading education and language development.
In addition to the media for children, there is an extensive stock of educational literature for nursery and primary school teachers. Whether seasons, language development, nature or violence – you will find all topics here. We can obtain specialist literature via the German interlibrary loan system.

Daycare centers receive a free reading card to borrow media for the facility.

With our book box service, we put together reading and themed boxes on your desired topic.

The city library distributes the reading start sets in Radolfzell at a library introduction “Harry Hase invites you to the library” to the 3 – 4 year olds of the Radolfzell day care centers in Radolfzell and the districts.

Image: Radolfzell town council

“Lesestart 1-2-3” is a nationwide program for early language and reading promotion for families with children aged one, two and three. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and carried out by the Reading Foundation.


The city library supports schools in learning to read, reading animation, research and media skills.
With class tours, class visits, research training, author readings, writing workshops, film workshops, media boxes…

You can find our comprehensive, consecutive offers in the brochure
“Opportunities for life”. It can also be requested from the city library.

Schools receive a free reading card to borrow media for the institution.